These booklets have been written in response to some of the most common questions that have been asked over the years. We trust that they will answer some of the questions you have too and be an encouragement and evangelistic tool for you.

These are available free of charge. If you want a printed copy you can contact our church offices. A small price per booklet will be charged to cover the cost of printing and postage.


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Title (Click for a short description) (Click to open
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The Bible and Self Love Download Infant Baptism or Believer’s Baptism? Download
Biblical Decision Making Download Overcoming Anger Download
The Companionship Principle Download Questions and Answers about Healing, Tongues, and Prophecy Download
Forgiving Like God Forgives Download Testing Today’s Prophecy Download
How to Handle Calamity Download What will Heaven be Like? Download
Identifying False Teachers Download Taste and See that the Lord is Good Purchase
Expository Studying Download God told me! A Critique of Christian Mysticism Download
Growing Old Gracefully Download
Vrae en Antwoorde oor Genesing, Spreek in Tale en Profesie Download Vergifnis Download
Oorwin Woede Download Kinderdoop of die Doop van Gelowiges? Download
Die Bybel en Selfliefde Download Teëspoed Download


The Bible and Self-Love: Are Christians Commanded to Love Self?

Is self-esteem or self-love our greatest need?

The mathematics of Christian living are easy: you only have to be able to count to two. However, in our generation a third command has been added to Jesus’ instruction to love God and love others. It is the command to love self. Promoters of the new Christian maths claim that Jesus said we must love ourselves before we can love others. In other words, love for self has become the de facto first command of the Christian life.

Is self-esteem or self-love our greatest need? Are the voices calling us to love ourselves chanting a biblical refrain? Is the new Christian maths valid: three divine requirements rather than two?

Biblical Decision Making: Is It God’s Will to Find His Will?

How do you make decisions?

Do you try to find God’s will? Seek peace? Do what feels best? Are you the practical type who analyses everything?

You’ve made decisions your whole life, but have you ever studied what God says about decision-making? If you’re like most Christians, you haven’t. You probably just imitated what you saw other Christians doing, or made up your own little formula.

Isn’t it time you did some serious, biblical thinking about decision-making? If so, decide to read this booklet. It’s a decision you won’t regret.

The Companionship Principle: Bringing Biblical Sanity to the Insanity of Dating

Been there, done that?

You know how the typical dating scenario goes. Boy meets girl. Boy asks girl to a movie. They sit in a dark theatre for two hours and don’t say a word to each other. During the week boy sends girl roses with a note saying her eyes are “sapphire blue.”

The next weekend they see another movie. They sit silently for two hours in the dark. This time he holds her hand and steals a kiss on her front steps. The next week it’s a necklace instead of flowers and a romantic moonlight walk in the park. They spend half their time trying to suffocate each other (if you know what I mean).

And there you have it. They are dating. Of course, you know what usually happens in those dating relationships. In six months their “love” has fallen apart, and they break up, only to start all over again with someone else a month later.

To bring biblical sanity to that type of dating scenario we need to transform our thinking about dating. It starts with Genesis 2:18. Dating is a marriage-kind-of-relationship. God defined that kind of relationship as companionship.

Inside The Companionship Principle find …

  • How Genesis 2:18 affects dating
  • Samson’s don’ts of dating
  • Whom can I date?
  • When can I start dating?
  • Purity and dating
  • How do I know if this is the one?

Forgiving Like God Forgives: God’s Plan for Restoring Peace to Sin-Shattered Relationships

Meet Billy and Susy…

Billy and Susy are married. They are both Christians. One day Billy comes home from a gruelling day at work and reacts to a minor comment from Susy. He raises his voice and shouts, “You don’t even care how difficult my day was. All you do is talk about what you did with your stupid friends.

Having slandered his wife (“You don’t care,” and “All you do…”) and having been sinfully angry, he retreats to the bedroom, slams the door, and spends the evening in front of the television.

Susy is deeply offended by Billy’s outburst and false accusations. Tight-lipped, she bangs the pans in the kitchen in a far from silent non-verbal expression of anger. She waits for Billy to come ask her forgiveness. He never does.

…What should Billy and Susy do now?

Inside you’ll find the answer to that question and questions like:

  • What is forgiveness?
  • When must I seek forgiveness?
  • Should a Christian forgive and forget?
  • What if I don’t feel forgiving toward someone?

How to Handle Calamity: A Study In Fear-of-the-Lord Faith from the Book of Job

Wisdom from the Whirlwind

The book of Job has many lessons for handling calamity. It warns you not to torture yourself by trying to argue, negotiate, or demand answers from God. It warns you of the dangers of listening to well-intentioned, but unbiblical counsel. It warns against the trap of time, the snare of expectations, and the danger of lowering the shield of faith.

But the primary lessons of Job are about God. God is in control: never doubt it. God has reasons, even if we can’t discern them: trust Him. God is Creator. He is so great, so wise, and so loving that (like Job) we can trust Him, even if we don’t understand what He is doing. The fear of the Lord—an awed, humble, accepting, trusting faith—is what Job needed to handle his calamities. It’s what you need too.

Identifying False Teachers: A Biblical Checklist for Identifying False Teachers

Identifying False Teachers is a Sheep’s Guide to the Habits of Wolves

Innocent naïve sheep. Cunning, voracious false teachers. Do the sheep have any chance? Yes. Christ the Shepherd has warned His flock how to identify the habits (practices, doctrines, and character-failings) of false teachers.

But do you know what those habits are?

  • a lack of preaching against sin
  • a deceptive claim to do miracles
  • prophecies that don’t come true
  • subtle attacks on God and His word
  • the pursuit of sensual desires, especially sex and money
  • arrogant “demon-bossing”

Those are just a sample of what’s covered in this booklet. Clear biblical teaching regarding both sheep-eaters and sheep-poisoners, illustrated with modern examples, makes Identifying False Teachers an invaluable checklist for identifying and avoiding those God would call false.

Infant Baptism vs. Believer’s Baptism

Do you have questions about baptism?

This book addresses many of the most common questions asked regarding baptism and specifically infant baptism like:

  • What was the Apostles’ practice: infant baptism or believer’s baptism?
  • Does the fact that infant boys were circumcised in the Old Testament mean infants should be baptised in the New Testament era?
  • Are infants of church members “children of the covenant”?
  • Is it possible for infants to have faith at their baptism, justifying their baptism?
  • Can one practice infant baptism as a parent/child dedication?

Overcoming Anger: A Biblical Guide for Becoming Patient, Tolerant, and Slow to Anger

A quick-tempered man acts foolishly. Prov 14:17

Anger makes you do foolish things. Probably the most dramatic example of foolish anger I have ever heard of happened on the golf course. A man was so angry at missing a shot that he slashed his club at a tree in frustration. The head of the club sheared off, rebounded from the tree, and the jagged end severed his jugular vein, killing him in seconds. Ouch. Sin is its own punishment.

Does anger plague you? Maybe it’s impatience, frustration, or irritation. Whatever you call it, it leaves your relationships in tatters and your testimony in shreds.

This booklet is a practical, biblical guide to overcoming anger and impatience. Inside you’ll find the tragic results of anger, the thinking that motivates anger, and how to change it, how to battle impatience, and Solomon’s instructions for being slow to anger

Questions and Answers About Healing, Tongues, and Prophecy: What the Bible Really Says About Miraculous Sign Gifts

Do you have questions about…

Can God still do miracles of healing today?
What were the characteristics of the NT gift of healing?
Are those characteristics present in today’s healings?

Can someone with this gift give unfulfilled prophecies?
What’s the harm of letting someone speak a “word” even if he’s been wrong in the past?

Were biblical tongues “heavenly” languages?
Were the tongues in Corinth different than those in Acts?
Were tongues given for self-edification?

Have they stopped?
Are the biblical sign gifts present today?
Did they die out because Christians stopped believing in them?
Are today’s signs and wonders a “latter rain” of the Spirit?

This booklet gives biblical answers to over fifty of today’s most common questions about miraculous sign gifts. It’s clear answers for confused Christians.

If you want more on this topic, feel free to download this overview of 1 Corinthians 12-14.

Testing Today’s Prophecy: Does Today’s Prophecy Measure Up to Biblical Standards?

Does it measure up?

In recent years, the view that God is still revealing Himself through prophecy has gained a great following. However, many Christians have questions about this issue. Their concern is understandable. If God is revealing Himself through prophecy today, then Christians ought to listen.

However, evangelical Christians have traditionally believed prophecy faded out with the completion of the New Testament. And, because of the many warnings in scripture about false prophets, hesitancy over accepting this new wave of “prophecy” is understandable, even commendable.

Should Christians accept the modern prophecy movement as a new work of God’s Spirit? Are its inner impressions and verbal declarations what the Bible calls prophecy? Is it significant that many of today’s “prophecies” are wrong or go unfulfilled? Those are valid questions in an age of increasing religious deception.

To avoid Satanic deception or just well-meaning distraction, we must test today’s “prophecy.” What are the characteristics of biblical prophecy? How does today’s “prophecy” compare with those characteristics?

What Will Heaven Be Like?

Set your mind on things above… Colossians 3:2

Have you recently? Heaven is the Christian’s hope, but how often do you think about it? Not often enough. Perhaps the problem is you don’t know what to think. After all, what is heaven like?.

After you read this booklet, you’ll know. And you’ll want to go there forever to be with your Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Taste and See That the Lord Is Good: A Study of the Attributes of God

Knowing, Loving and Enjoying God

The chapters in this book typically reflect the following structure. First, attention is given to what the Bible as a whole says about a specific attribute of God. There will be a lot of profound biblical theology involved; after all, God is God, and we can’t make Him out to be anything less than the awesome, infinite Being He is.

In the second half of each chapter, that attribute of God is observed in action as it impacted the life of a familiar Old Testament character such as Adam, Moses, David, Achan, etc.

Our church thoroughly enjoyed this approach to studying the attributes of God, and we hope you will as well. Our prayer is that as you read these pages you’ll fall more and more in love with God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In the words of David, Taste and see that the Lord is good! (Ps 34:8).

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